Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Installing firefox on kali linux (Re-post from Dr Chaos's blog)

Each command in terminal. 
apt-get remove iceweasel
echo -e “\ndeb http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/ubuntuzilla/mozilla/apt all main” | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list > /dev/null
apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com C1289A29
apt-get update
apt-get install firefox-mozilla-build

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Tor as a Transparent Proxy on Ubuntu Linux Bulletproof config

TOR config

AutomapHostsOnResolve 1
TransPort 9040
DNSPort 53
FascistFirewall 1
FirewallPorts 443
DataDirectory /var/lib/tor
PidFile /var/run/tor/tor.pid
User debian-tor

 Firehol config

version 5

server_tor_ports="tcp/9050 tcp/9051"

#all incoming DNS goes to port 53 or whatever your torrc's DNSPort is
#for local redirection make sure your /etc/resolv.conf reads 'nameserver #
redirect to 53 inface eth+ proto udp src dst not dport 53

 #add to force all incoming tcp traffic to 9040
 #for some reason this will redirect locally generated tcp traffic too
transparent_proxy "1:65535" 9040 debian-tor inface eth+ user not debian-tor  dst not "$UNROUTABLE_IPS"

interface eth0 dhcp
        policy return
        client dhcp accept
        client all accept

 #allow only outgoing TOR traffic
interface eth0 internet src not "$UNROUTABLE_IPS"
        client all accept user debian-tor

 #add for local DNS and proxy access
interface "eth0 lo" local src "" dst ""
        server dns accept
        server privoxy accept
        server tor accept
        server proxy accept
 #add for local TOR socks and control port access
interface lo internal src dst
        server tor accept
        server proxy accept

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Monday, December 7, 2015

Landing in Darkness

IR Led Spheres to light up emergency runways at night. Cheap, can deploy by the thousands. Land with IR camera in Darkness.

Clear waterproof plastic spheres the size of a tennis ball with Solar Power cells leading to a main charger board then Ultracapacitor.


Miniature Solar Cells


SparkFun Sunny Buddy - MPPT Solar Charger

Φ8 16-IR LED DC 12V Illuminator Board 

Friday, November 6, 2015

Hydrogen Fuel Plant

Hydrogen & Oxygen generation from Salt Water via Oxygen scrubber and Sunlight.
To be used in tandem with hydrogen fuel cells. - RB

Input: Salt Water, Solar
Output: Hydrogen, Oxygen, Electricity, Drinking water.

1 Solar Furnace

The Evaporation chamber is filled with salt water.
The Solar Furnace Heats up the Evaporation Chamber.
The Steam is pumped into Chamber #2

2 Cooling Chamber and Hydrogen Output

The Cerium is Bathed in Steam.
Oxygen is removed from the water in reaction to the Cerium,
Hydrogen rises to the collector and output.
The now Cerium Oxide is steam piston driven into Chamber #3
(through a sliding door between chambers 2&3).

3 Solar Furnace and Oxygen Output

The Cerium Oxide is purged of Oxygen by the heat of the second Solar Furnace.
Oxygen rises to the top and onto output B.

The  Hydrogen & Oxygen can then be feed separately into a hydrogen fuel cell  to generate electricity.
The only byproduct is water clean enough to drink. Assembled atom by atom. Returned to the water cycle.

Monday, November 2, 2015



ALL Land Sea Air

Long-range Airspace Defense System


45x135x40 meters.
range of 8,350 mi
142.000 pounds

(Based on ADAMA TITAN math)
394'  x 1506' x 30' platform

36.000lb weight
174.848lb lift
138.848lb load.

up to 10 miles up.

Helium compressed to fall slowly, decompressed to rise.

Long range defense;
x20 AGM-86B: 1,500+ mi (2,400+ km)  range, cruise missile. 3,150 pounds each, outfitted with Thermobaric warheads. Water Geled TNT sprayed and a propane trigger wired to a Radio proximity detonator.

18 at total of 56.700 pounds out of 138.848lb

75.848lb Remaining lift

15 MQ-Reaper Predator drones with 1 Hellfire missile each. 75000.

6300lb for communication.

Iris scanner! because retinal laser scanners will burn out your eyes

take an HD picture of the red capillaries on the white Sclera,
 compare to picture on file, if the picture matches lock 1 opens
take an hd picture of the green/brown/blue Iris with a light shined into it, compare to picture on file, if the picture matches lock 2 opens.


circuit fondue. waterproof everything.

silicon security chips embedded circuits in dielectric black epoxy for security (counter circuit taping and reverse engineering) and total water proofing. must be resistant to solvents.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Gravitational pulse & time dilation notes..... feel free to comment

Observation; Matter Phases in and out of Fusion and Fission in accordance with gravitational waves at the event horizon of a black hole. the gravitational frequency of the wave is determined by the collective mass in proximity .

An unknown incremental increase in velocity, equals an unknown incremental increase in mass.
An unknown incremental increase in mass, equals an unknown incremental increase gravity.
An unknown incremental increase in gravity, equals an unknown incremental decrease in the passage of time.

v++ = m++ = g++ = - -t

c=speed of light
c2=( c) x (c)

m x(cxc)=E

89875517873681764 = c2 mps

299792458 = c mps

/1 = √c

1 / √1 - v2 / c2 = b2

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Keyless entry

Slim Jim

$53.09 /box

Electric pick

Lock Pick Set

Lock shims

Bump key set

Bolt cutters

Usb Keylogger


Rubber Ducky


USB Rubber Ducky is the next generation of Switchblade. It has it’s own code called duckycode for writing plugins for it. You can buy it pre-installed for $59 

Take Social Engineering to the next level with a USB Rubber Ducky Deluxe hidden inside an inconspicuous "thumb drive" case. All the fixings included. 

Since 2010 the USB Rubber Ducky has been a favorite among hackers, penetration testers and IT professionals. With origins as a humble IT automation proof-of-concept using an embedded dev-board, it has grown into a full fledged commercial Keystroke Injection Attack Platform. The USB Rubber Ducky captured the imagination of hackers with its simple scripting language, formidable hardware, and covert design.


Cross Platform

Windows, Mac, Linux, Android - they all love keyboards. Convenience is king, so when it comes to plugging in a new input device the default is to accept and obey. Keyboards represent human input afterall. Before USB there were various standards, be it PS/2, AT, Apple Desktop Bus and various other DINs. Now that everything is Universal the Human Input Device is "Plug and Play".

Hack any 4-digit Android PIN in 16 hours with a USB Rubber Ducky

Saturday, October 24, 2015

The 7 Deaths of a Master!

Master No. 7 Laminated Steel Padlock


Hand pick
Key Mold
Electric lock pick
Bump key
Lock shim
Bolt cutters

Hand pick


Key Mold


Electric lock pick


Bump key


Lock shim


Bolt cutters 









 Freeze Off

Complete Noobs guide to network infiltration... Chapter 1

  • A) Use Kon-Boot to Login to Windows and Mac Without Knowing or Changing the Current Password

http://www.piotrbania.com/all/kon-boot/ $26 Full version covers Mac & Windows

Free Version


Steps To Bypass Windows Log-on using Pen-Drive
  1. Download and Extract Kon-Boot 2.4.rar from the links given below
  2. Plug in your Pen-Drive (Remove all other Pen-Drives)
  3. Right click on “usb_install_RUNASADMIN.bat” located in kon-bootUSB folder and pick “Run As Administrator” option.
  4. After Process Compeletion, Reboot
  5. Choose Boot from USB from BIOS settings
  6. Follow the installation procedure.
  7. After Booting process you can login without password, just press “Enter”
  8. Just Remove Kon-Boot PenDrive and Reboot to Get back the original Windows authentication functionality.

Once logged in

  • B) Find the Wifi passwords on a Windows or Mac. 

Find your wifi password on a Windows PC

If you have a computer other than your Surface that is running Windows and that is connected to your wireless network, you can find the password by doing the following:

Windows 10: Find your password

Step 1:Go to Start Windows logo, and select Settings > Network & Internet.
Step 2:Choose the network you want to connect to and select Connect.
Step 3:Select the search box in the taskbar, enter view network connections, and in the search results, selectView network connections.
Step 4:In Network Connections, press and hold (or right-click) the network name and select Status > Wireless Properties.
Step 5:
Select the Security tab and select Show characters.
The password for the wireless network is displayed in the Network security key field.

Windows 8.1: Find your password

Step 1:
Swipe in from the right edge of the screen and select Settings.
(If you're using a mouse, point to the lower-right corner of the screen, move the mouse pointer up, and select Settings.)
Step 2:Select the network icon (Wireless icon or Wired icon) for the network you want to connect to and select Connect.
Step 3:Swipe in from the right edge of the screen and select Search.
Step 4:In the search box, enter view network connections, and in the search results, select View network connections.
Step 5:
In the Network Connections window, press and hold (or right-click) the network name and select Status.
Step 6:Select the Wireless Properties button.
Step 7:Select the Security tab and select the Show characters check box.
Step 8:
The password for the wireless network is displayed in the Network security key field.

Windows 8: Find your password

Step 1:
Swipe in from the right edge of the screen and select Settings.
(If you're using a mouse, point to the upper-right corner of the screen, move the mouse pointer down,
 and select Settings.)
Step 2:Select wireless network Wireless icon.
Step 3:Press and hold (or right click) on a wireless network name and choose View connection properties.
Step 4:Select Show characters to see the wireless network password.

Windows 7: Find your password

Step 1:Click the wireless network icon in the lower-right corner of the taskbar.
Step 2:Right-click your wireless network name and select Properties.
Step 3:Select Show characters to see the wireless network password.

Find your password on your router’s configuration webpage

If you have a computer that can connect to the Internet, you can find the password by doing the following:
Step 1:Select the search box in the taskbar, enter cmd, and in the search results, select Command Prompt.
Step 2:At the command prompt, enter ipconfig, and press Enter.
Step 3:Under Wireless LAN adapter Wi-Fi, find the Default Gateway.
Step 4:Open a web browser.
Step 5:Enter the IP address next to Default Gateway into the search bar (for example,
 Look for your router’s default IP address in your router documentation or online.
Step 6:Enter the user name and password to open your router’s configuration webpage. Most router documentation includes the default user name and password.
Step 7:On the configuration webpage, look for a wireless or wireless settings option.
Step 8:Look for a security or wireless encryption setting. The security key (sometimes called a network key, pass phrase, or network password) should be listed nearby.
Connect to a wireless network without a password
If your router supports Windows Connect Now (WCN) or Wi Fi Protected Setup (WPS), you can connect to your wireless network without entering a password. Here’s how:
Step 1:Go to Start Windows logo, and select Settings > Network & Internet.
Step 2:Select the network you want to connect to and select Connect.
Step 3:
Press the Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) button on your router. The router will set up your Surface
 to connect to the network and apply the network's security settings (you won’t be prompted for a
wireless network password).

If the password is stored, you can find it using the program Keychain Access.
If you open /Applications/Utilities/Keychain Access, it will show you a list of stored
 entries. If you click the Kind column header, it will sort by kind, go to the section where
AirPort network passwords are stored. On Yosemite, you may have to select "Local Items"
rather than "login" under Keychains in the upper left.
Double-click the name of the network you are using (if you don't know the name of the
network, you can find it in the WiFi menulet (the concentric quarter circles toward the right
 side of your menu bar).
picture of Keychain Access
Check the Show password box, enter your system password, and click the Allow button.
That should show you the password for the wireless network you are on, if it is stored on
your computer. If no such entry appears, it means the password is not stored on your
Note that you can also use this technique to find saved passwords for websites or other
passwords that you computer has stored but you have forgotten.

  • C) Install a key logger on a Windows or Mac. 

Q: How much does Keylogger costs? 

A: It costs nothing at all. The software is 100% free. It has no restrictions at all. 

Q: How can I install keylogger remotely?

A: For the first time, you need an access to remote computer. Install keylogger and configure (enter your email).
 Then you will monitor remotely, by reading the reports arriving to your email box. 

What activities can record remote keylogger? 

- Keystrokes. Every key typed on keyboard will be recorded into secure report.
- Internet activity. The titles and addressed of all visited websites will be captured as well.
- Running applications. When user runs some program, its name and path are catched; 
- Visual monitoring. The software is able to capture screen every few minutes (you can adjust the interval).
- Clipboard text. When the user copies some text, our program will surely record it. 

What about the Invisibility of this software? 

Of course, this kind of software must be secure and undetectable! 


  • D) In case of  BIOS Password, pull battery 
  • and reinsert while unplugged. WARNING