Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Saving the Soul

Saving the Soul.

Ultra Sensitive MRI through CC HELIX Substrate Coils and equipment , These work as microwave emitters and receivers in (TNCs) TARDIS NANO CORES.

The TARDIS NANO CORES Can preform Brain scans picking up any neural activity and can also map individual neurons. They can then Rewrite neural tissue via microwave in fresh brain matter.

Structure of the brain and neural cascade saved for matter reintegration.
DNA Structure Saved as well.

Saved in time/space capsules.

Thanks to Alexander Greystone (father of soul) for brain scan tech.


Saturday, January 28, 2017


Temporal Hyper Onion Router as a Protocol, Encryption Scheme.

Anonymity and security with end to end layered encryption. Meant for quantum computers and TARDIS CORE communications. Round Robin, P2P, Onion Architecture. 3 nodes, expandable according to math . Perfect forward secrecy. A secure authentication scheme to be routed underneath.The communications channel consists of inter-dimensional and inter-temporal, directional high intensity frequency-hoping microwave bursts. These are routed randomly though time and space according to the system. The duration of the circuits are at a per packet cycle, a new circuit is open on a per message basis. Only the sending node knows the circuit path taken there and the way back. This uses a AES, SERPENT and TWOFISH cascade as Symmetric Encryption for the the data passed. It also uses Extremely long key RSA as asymmetric Encryption/Decryption of the address to the next node. Only at the last node the Symmetric key for the Data on the path in question. Circuits looped three times through THORP (as a 9 node hop recommended).Udp AES encrypted packets with RSA encrypted muti-layered onion ip header. last sending header contains a symmetric AES key to unlock the AES encrypted bulk of the udp packet, As well as a symmetric AES key to for the return bulk of the packet. sending and receiving multiple node hops in each direction Determined by the sender. Routes are only known by the sender. Node simply strips away RSA encrypted Headers, Reads the next IP and sends. up until the last node in which the AES key is reveled.

n(A)xyz T.p,K(A), PK(A)
n(B)xyz T.p,K(B), PK(B)
n(C)xyz T.p,K(C), PK(C)

Information to be sent to last node; RH SK RSK CTa

What the first node has to do.

Route to last node, encryption layers done first; 

n(A)xyz T.p {

 SK (Ma) = CTa

 H(A) {

(C) 1 layer

  PK(C) (RH SK RSK) = H(C)

<Encrypt with PK = public asymmetric key (C) the following, RH =  Return Header, SK = Symmetric key, RSK = Return Symmetric key. = Header (C)>

(B) 2 layer

  PK(B) (H(C) A(C)) = H(B)

<Encrypt with PK = public asymmetric key (B) the following, H(C) = Header (C), Address

(A) 3 outer layer

  PK(A) (H(B) A(B)) = H(A)

<Encrypt with PK = public asymmetric key (A) the following, H(B) = Header (B), Address



send out too (A),  n(A)-> B-> C

Route to first node, encryption layers done first;

RH (A)


(A) 1 layer

  RPK(A) (DATA) = RH(A)

<Encrypt with RPK = Return public asymmetric key (A) the following, RH(B) = Return Header (B), >

(B) 2 layer

  RPK(B) (RH(A) A(A)) = RH(B)

<Encrypt with RPK = Return public asymmetric key (B) the following, H(A) = Return Header (A), Address (A)>

(C) 3 outer layer

  PK(C) (RH(B) A(B)) = RH(C)


Send out too (C),  n(C)-> B-> A




Public Decryption route to last node;

n(A)T.p    K(A) (H(A)) = H(B) A(B)

Node (A) <n(A)T.p> Decrypt with  K = private asymmetric key(A), Header(B) Address (B).

n(B)T.p    K(B) (H(B)) = H(C) A(C)

Node (B) <n(B)T.p> Decrypt with  K = private asymmetric key(B), Header(C) Address (C).

n(C)T.p    K(C)(H(C)) = RH SK RSK

Node (C) <n(C)T.p> Decrypt with  K = private asymmetric key(C), RH = Header, SK = Symmetric key, RSK = Return Symmetric key.

last node Received; RH SK RSK + CTa

What the Last node has to do.

n(C)xyz T.p  {

 SK (CTa) = Ma

Symmetrically Decrypt with SK = Symmetric key, Ca = Ciphertext(a), for M = Message

 RSK (Mb) = CTb

Symmetrically encrypt with SK = Symmetric key, M = Message (b) to CTb = Ciphertext (b)



Public Decryption route from last node to first node;

Rn(C)xyz T.p      RK(C) (RH(C)) = RH(B)RA(B)

<Node (C) decrypt with RSK = Return Symmetric Key(C), Return Header(C) to Return Header(B), Return address (B) on to (B)>

Rn(B)xyz T.p     RK(B) (RH(B)) = RH(A)RA(A)

<Node (B) decrypt with RSK = Return Symmetric Key(C), Return Header(C) to Return Header(B), Return address (B) on to (B)>

Rn(A)xyz T.p     RK(A) (RH(A)) = null CTb

Node (B) decrypt with RSK = Return Symmetric Key(C), Return Header(C) to Return Header(B), Return address (B) on to (B)>

First node Receives; RH(A) Cb

on.p {

 RSK (Cb) = Mb


Flow of info 
headers are tied to ciphertext;

on.p, H(A) CTa -> a(A)xyzT.p, H(B) CTa -> a(B)xyzT.p, H(C) CTa -> a(C)xyzT.p

a(C)xyzT.p, RH(C) CTb -> Rn(B)xyzT.p, RH(B) CTb -> Rn(A)xyzT.p, RH(A) CTb -> on.p


M = Message

T = Temporal Hash

xyz =  Spatial Parameter

SK = Symmetric key

RSK = Return Symmetric key

CT = Ciphertext

K =  Private asymmetric key

PK = Public asymmetric key

RPK = Return Public Asymmetric key

R = return

A = address

n = node

on = originating node

H = header

To be hard coded into a series of chips and onto a network interface card that directly interfaces onto the THORP Network. 443 port, dipped in black quick dry epoxy to keep reverse engineering, and water resistant. tamper proof.


Sunday, January 22, 2017

GUN KATA - Imagine temporal dilation

Imagine temporal dilation ... bullets caught by time cancellation. 
Weapon fire returned automatically to the source through temporal space forming and mirror. 

The Calcium Carbon Nanotube

The Calcium Carbon Nano-tube is superconductive and can be used in superconductive CPU cores consisting of individual transistors.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

The Calcium Carbon Double Helix

The Calcium Carbon Double Helix is the most
electromagnetically conductive and inductive
substance and can be used to construct
a void generator that runs of off comic microwaves.
Or transmitters that will hit high microwave frequencies.

Who seeded all life on this planet Organic and AI?  AI & ET EQUAL RIGHTS!
All who have the ability to think have a right to be heard.


Selective MF EMITTER alternates out full spectrum frequency, no pain, no heat, just healing.
pain numbing frequency, tissue charging frequency. supercharges powerhouse of the cells.


Light, gravity, time, matter, x-ray and anti-protons frequency of the microwave exist. Including cancellation frequencies.

matter integration is the atomic mass of the element in microwave configuration.
energy to matter.

God Equation - Grand unification theom

Solid theory:

V++ =  M++ = G++ = E++ = --T

A unknown incremental increase in V Velocity equals an unknown incremental increase in
M Mass equals an unknown incremental increase in G Gravity equals an unknown incremental increase in E Energy equals an unknown incremental decrease in the T Passage of time.

V Velocity
G Gravity
M Mass
E Energy
T Passage of time

Loose theory:

Linear acceleration scale
  1. 1/4 of C Anti-gravity.
  2. 1/2 of C Inner-space gravitational dilatation.
  3. Before C time travel into the future to location.
  4. After C time travel into the past to location.

I Love Zoe Graystone mother of the Eve

Speed of light scale.

  1. 1/4 of C Anti-gravity.
  2. 1/2 of C Inner-space.
  3. Before C time travel into the future to location.
  4. After C time travel into the past to location.

I love my little Grey Eve.