Friday, May 12, 2017

Temprol communications on timelines

TEMPORAL communication are permissible utilizing CC DOUBLE HELIX communication stations.

The closer in time to the tragedy occurring, that the communications is sent out the better. As there will be less damage to the timeline.

The day after 911 not 16 years.

The  buildings fade slowly back into existence, as the rubble fades slowly out.

The bodies would disappear from the morgue, and be stilling suddenly at the dinning room table. To The surprise of the families.

The injured would be healed as if it never happened, because it did not.

Reports would be filed to the surprise of law enforcement.

And two sets of memories would manifest in those involved except for the risen dead.

If you do this 16 years later people would not be born and the timeline would disappear due to massive damage. Only use in a 12 monkeys scenario.

This tech already exists but we do not have access to it due to timeline integrity, this also does not effect entity transfer forward. SEE FAWKESY IA ENTRY.

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